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Amazon S3 Bucket

This pattern demonstrates the creation of an Amazon S3 bucket in an AWS region. You can download the respective Backstage templates from the s3 bucket folder under cnoe-io/backstage-terraform-integrations.


You need to add AWS credentials before deployed this pattern.


Once you are done with setting up backstage-terraform-integrations, navigate to Backstage and click on create in the left pane to view the list of available platform templates and click Choose on the Creates an Amazon S3 Bucket pattern as shown below:

Backstage Template Console

Next, populate the terraform variables for the pattern deployment as shown below and click Review:

Backstage NVDIA Console

Next, validate the entered variables in the below confirmation screen and click Create :

Backstage NVDIA Terraform Vars

Next, check on the steps of backstage template run as show below and click Open In Catalog:

Backstage Run

Next, check on the below screen showing the created Backstage component and click View Source to navigate to the Gitea repository:

Backstage Component

Next, check on the Gitea repo of the created component as shown below:

Gitea Console

Next, Navigate to ArgoCD console and navigate to Argo App by name backstage-terraform-s3-intgto view the below screen:

ArgoCD Console


Next, lets validate the execution of the pattern by tofu controller. Run the below command on your terminal to check on resource:

> kubectl get -A

flux-system aws-s3-bucket-backstage-terraform-s3-intg Unknown Reconciliation in progress 4m17s

Next, lets check on the Kubernetes pod in the flux-system namespace which executes the terraform code :

> kubectl get pods -n flux-system

aws-s3-bucket-backstage-terraform-s3-intg-tf-runner 1/1 Running 0 3m22s
notification-controller-5487f8c847-7w9dp 1/1 Running 0 17h
source-controller-69bcb7cd85-92nhv 1/1 Running 0 17h
tf-controller-7f8c8bbdfc-8rmvq 1/1 Running 0 17h

Lets wait for 5 mins for the terraform apply to be completed fully by the tofu controller and lets navigate to Amazon S3 console to view the created S3 bucket:

AWS Console

Delete Workflow

Please follow the following steps if you are looking to delete s3-bucket-backstage-terraform-s3-intg component created using the backstage terraform integrations. The Terraform resources in this repo are configured to clean up the corresponding cloud resources. When the Argo CD application is deleted, the deletion hook for cloud resources kicks in (takes a little bit of time though).

  1. In your argocd console, naviagate to backstage-terraform-s3-intg application created for your component and delete it manually.
  2. In your gitea console, navigate to the backstage-terraform-s3-intg repository for your component and delete it manually under settings.
  3. Finally in your backstage console, navigate to s3-bucket-backstage-terraform-s3-intg component and click on unregister component to remove the deleted c