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· 21 min read
Andrew Lee
Michael Crenshaw
Gaurav Dhamija


In Part 1 of our Argo CD benchmarking blog post, we analyzed the impacts of various Argo CD configuration parameters on the performance of Argo CD. In particular we measured the impact of status and operation processes, client QPS, burst QPS, and sharding algorithms on the overall synchronization and reconciliation behavior in Argo CD. We showed that using the right configuration and sharding strategy, particularly by properly setting client and burst QPS, as well as by splitting the workload across multiple workload clusters using Argo CD sharding, overall sync time can be improved by a factor of 4.

Here, and in Part 2 of our scalability work, we push our scalability experiments for Argo CD further. In particular, among other tests, we run our scalability metrics against a maximum of 500 workload clusters, deploying 50,000 Argo applications. This, to the best of our knowledge, sets the largest scalability testing ever done for Argo CD. We also report on a much deeper set of sharding experiments, utilizing different sharding algorithms for distribution of load across 100 workload clusters. While we report on running our experiments against a legacy sharding algorithm and a round robin algorithm that already exist in Argo CD 2.8, we also discuss results of workload distribution using 3 new sharding algorithms we developed in collaboration with RedHat, namely: a greedy minimum algorithm, a weighted ring hash algorithm, and a consistent hash with bounded loads algorithm. We show that, depending on the optimization goals one has in mind, choosing from the new sharding algorithms can improve CPU utilization by a factor of 3 and reduce application-to-shard rebalancing by a factor of 5, significantly improving the performance of a highly distributed and massively scaled Argo CD deployment.

Experiment 1: How Client QPS/Burst QPS affects the Kubernetes API Server


The objective of the first experiment is to understand the impact of QPS & Burst Rate parameters on 1/Kubernetes control plane for both the Argo CD cluster and the remote application clusters, and 2/ overall sync duration for Argo CD applications. To understand the impact on Kubernetes API server, we observed following control plane metrics:

  • Latency (apiserver_request_duration_seconds_bucket)
  • Throughput (apiserver_request_total)
  • Error Rate (apiserver_request_total{code=~"[45].."}) for any request returning an error code 4xx or 5xx.

To analyze impact on application synchronization, we observed Sync Duration and No. of Goroutines Argo CD server metrics.

Test Infrastructure:

In terms of test infrastructure and workload configuration, we had one central Amazon EKS cluster with Argo CD Server running on it. This central cluster connected with three remote Amazon EKS clusters with each one of them hosting 5000 Argo CD applications. Each application is a Configmap (2KB) provisioned in a dedicated namespace. All of the four clusters, one central and three remote, had a dedicated monitoring stack composed of Prometheus and Grafana installed on them.


Observation 1 - Impact on Argo CD application synchronization

The table and graphs below highlight the impact of QPS & Burst Rate on “Sync Duration” as well as the average and maximum no. of goroutines active during the test run.

QPSBurst RateSync DurationNo. of GoRoutines (Avg)No. of GoRoutines (Max)
5010061.5 mins17601810
10020029.5 mins21202310
15030019.0 mins25202760
20040018.0 mins26202780
25050017.5 mins25902760
30060018.0 mins25402760


To summarize, during the test, we immediately observed ~52% reduction (from 61.5 mins to 29.5 mins) as we increased QPS & Burst Rate from default values to 100 & 200 respectively. This also correlated with corresponding increase in no. of Goroutines processing application synchronization requests. The benefit from increasing values of these parameters started providing diminishing returns with subsequent runs. Beyond QPS & Burst rate of 150 & 300 respectively, there wasn’t measurable improvement observed. This again correlated with number of Goroutines actively processing sync requests.

Observation 2 - Impact on central Amazon EKS cluster control plane hosting Argo CD Server

The table and graphs below highlights the impact of QPS & Burst Rate on throughput and latency from Amazon EKS control plane hosting Argo CD Server. We can observe an increase in request rate per second to the Kubernetes control plane which is in line with previous observations related to increase in no. of goroutines processing the sync requests. The increased activity related to sync operations translates into increased requests to Amazon EKS control plane tapering off at QPS of 150 and Burst Rate of 300. Additional increase in QPS and Burst Rate parameters doesn’t noticeably impact request rate per second.

QPSBurst RateRequest Rate (Max)Latency p50 (Max)Latency p90 (Max)
5010027.2 rps13.0 ms22.6 ms
10020031.9 rps13.3 ms23.1 ms
15030039.8 rps14.3 ms24.0 ms
20040041.4 rps14.9 ms24.4 ms
25050039.0 rps15.1 ms24.4 ms
30060040.7 rps16.4 ms34.5 ms

From a latency perspective, overall during the course of testing, average (p50) duration remained within range of 13 to 16.5 ms and p90 latency within 22 ms to 34 ms. The error rate remained consistently around ~0.22% with a brief spike to ~0.25% (increase of ~0.03%).

The relatively low latency numbers and low error rate (<0.25%) indicates that Amazon EKS control plane was able to handle the load comfortably. Increasing QPS and Burst rate only would stretch the control plane to a limited extent indicating it still has resources to process additional requests as long as Argo CD server can generate request traffic.


Observation 3 - Impact on remote Amazon EKS cluster control plane hosting applications

We had similar observations regarding latency, throughput and error rate for Amazon EKS control plane of remote application clusters. These are the clusters hosting ~5000 Argo CD applications each and connected to Argo CD Server on the central Amazon EKS cluster. The throughput peaked at ~35 requests per second with QPS and burst rate of 150 & 300 respectively. From an average latency perspective, it remained consistently within single digit millisecond hovering around ~5ms.


Experiment 2: Revisiting Status/Operation Processors


The objective of the second experiment is to explore why status/operation processors did not have an effect on sync times of our previous experiments. It is possible that the simple nature of ConfigMap applications which takes <1s to deploy is causing this behavior. Most real world applications would consist of tens to hundreds of resources taking longer to be deployed. During this experiment, we will simulate a more complex application which takes longer to deploy than the original ConfigMap application.

Test Infrastructure:

Central Argo CD cluster running on a single m5.2xlarge managing 100 application clusters. In order to simulate larger applications, each application will execute a PreSync job which waits 10 seconds before deploying the original ConfigMap application.

Example of the PreSync Job:

apiVersion: batch/v1
kind: Job
name: before
annotations: PreSync HookSucceeded
- name: sleep
image: alpine:latest
command: ["sleep", "10"]
restartPolicy: Never
backoffLimit: 0


Observation 1 - Syncing never finishes and require a restart of the application controller to continue syncing

The screenshot below shows that from the start of the sync test at 17:02 till around 17:41, the sync process was deadlocked. We observed no changes to synced apps and the app_operation_processing_queue was pinned at 10k operations.


Looking at the Argo CD console for a single application we see that the PreSync job finished 17 mins ago, but the application stayed in the Syncing phase.


Observation 2: There is a link between client QPS/burst QPS and operation/status processor settings

In order to fix the sync freezing issue, we increased the client QPS/burst QPS from the default 50/100 to 100/200. After the change we were able to collect data on operation/status processor settings.

operation/status processors: 25/50
Sync time: 45 mins
operation/status processors: 50/100
Sync time: 30 mins

We can see that there is a link between status/operation processors and client QPS/burst QPS settings. Changing one or the other could be required to improve sync times and Argo CD performance depending on your environment. Our recommendation is to first change the status/operation processor settings. If you run into Argo CD locking up or the performance not increasing further, and you have sufficient resources, you can try increasing the client QPS/burst QPS. But as mentioned in the first experiment, ensure you are monitoring the k8s api-server.

Experiment 3: Cluster Scaling


The following experiment is designed to test the compute demands of the Argo CD app controller managing clusters with more than 100 applications.

Test Infrastructure:

Central Argo CD cluster with 10 app controller shards running on a single m5.2xlarge node managing 100/250/500 application clusters and 10k 2KB ConfigMap applications.


From earlier experiences, we can see that when managing 100 clusters, we are close to the limit of a single m5.2xlarge node. As we push further and to 250/500 clusters, we have two observations. The first observation is that the graph data is less smooth than the sync test of 100 clusters. This can indicate that Prometheus is running out of compute as Argo CD is consuming most of it. Please note that we are not using any resource limits/requests in our experiments. If proper resource limits/requests are set, most likely we would only see performance issues with Argo CD and not Prometheus, when operating at the limit of your compute resources. The second observation is that on both the 250/500 cluster tests, there are some drop off in metric data. For the 250 cluster test, there is a blip at the 16:16 mark for Memory Usage. For the 500 cluster test there are blips in data at the 21.05 mark on the Workqueue depth, CPU usage, and Memory usage. In spite of these observations, the sync process completes in a reasonable time.

Clusters: 100
Sync time: 9 mins
Clusters: 250
Sync time: 9 mins
Clusters: 500
Sync time: 11 mins
From this experiment, you can see that as you approach the limit of your compute resources, Argo CD and other applications running in your k8s environment could experience issues. It is recommended that you set proper resource limits/requests for your monitoring stack to ensure you have insights into what could be causing your performance issues.

Experiment 4: Application Scaling


This experiment is meant to push the Argo CD app controller beyond 10k applications. As the previous rounds of experiments were performed with 10k apps, the intention of these experiments is to scale the Argo CD app controller up to 50k apps.

Test Infrastructure:

We will be performing this experiment on a Central Argo CD cluster with 10 app controller shards and 500 downstream application clusters. As we scale up the applications up to 10k,15k,20k,25k,30k,50k 2KB ConfigMap applications, we will add additional m5.2xlarge node(s) to the Argo CD cluster.


Sync test at 15k applications with a single m5.2xlarge. You can see blips in data indicating unhealthy behavior on the cluster.CPU and Memory Usage is near 100% utilization of 8 vCPUs and 30 GB of memory.After adding another node for a total of two m5.2xlarge, we were able to perform a sync in 9 mins.

After adding another node, we were able to continue our application scaling tests. You can see in the graphs below that syncing 20k and 25k apps was not a problem. The sync test of 30k apps shown on the third graph shows some blips in data, indicating that we are at the limits of two nodes.

Apps: 20000
Sync time: 12 mins
Apps: 25000
Sync time: 11 mins
Apps: 30000
Sync time: 19 mins

For the final test in this experiment, we pushed the cluster to sync 50k apps.

While the cluster was able to manage reconciliation for the 50k apps as shown by a stable Sync Status graph from 8:40, when we start the sync at the 9:02 mark, you can see unhealthy behavior in the graph data.From examining the CPU/Memory Usage, you can see we have 100% CPU utilization across the cluster.After scaling the cluster to three m5.2xlarge nodes, we were able to perform a sync in 22 mins.

From the scaling tests, we can see that the Argo CD app controller scales effectively by adding compute resources as we increase the number of applications to sync.

Experiment 5: How Many Shards?


In previous experiments, we utilized ten app controller shards running across multiple nodes. In this experiment, we will explore how the number of app controller shards affect performance.

Test Infrastructure:

Central Argo CD cluster with 3, 6, 9 app controller shards running on 3 m5.2xlarge node(s) managing 500 application clusters and 50k 2KB ConfigMap applications.


For the baseline of three shards it took 75 mins to perform a sync. Adding additional shards saw further improvements with a sync time of 37 mins for six shards and a sync time of 21 mins for nine shards. Further increasing shards beyond nine did not yield any improvements.

Shards: 3
Sync time: 75 mins
Shards: 6
Sync time: 37 mins
Shards: 9
Sync time: 21 mins

Looking at the CPU and Memory utilization, you can see that adding shards can improve performance only if there are free resources to consume. With the baseline of three shards, CPU utilization of the nodes are well below eight vCPU that each node is allocated. As we add more shards, we can see CPU utilization increasing until we are close to 100% CPU Utilization with nine shards. Adding any more shards would not yield any performance benefits unless we add more nodes.

Shards: 3Shards: 6Shards: 9

From the experiments, the Argo CD app controller sharding mechanism is able to scale as you add more compute resources. Sharding allows both horizontal and vertical scaling. As you add more shards, you can horizontally scale by adding more nodes or vertically scale by utilizing a larger node with more compute resources.

Experiment 6: Sharding Deep Dive


With the release of Argo CD 2.8, a new sharding algorithm: round-robin was released. The existing legacy sharding algorithm performed a modulo of the number of replicas and the hash sum of the cluster id to determine the shard that should manage the cluster. This led to an imbalance in the number of clusters being managed by each shard. The new round-robin sharding algorithm is supposed to ensure an equal distribution of clusters being managed by each shard. We will also introduce 3 new algorithms: greedy minimum, weighted ring hash, and consistent hash with bounded loads. This experiment will evaluate all the algorithms on shard balance, application distribution and rebalancing on changes to the environment.

Test Infrastructure:

Central Argo CD cluster with 10 app controller shards running on 1 m5.2xlarge node managing 100 application clusters and 10k 2KB ConfigMap applications.


Note: For all the observations, we start monitoring-period when we see items in the operations queue. We end the monitoring-period when all the applications are synced. We then look at the avg metric of CPU/Memory usage during the monitoring-period.


The graph below shows the CPU Usage/Memory Usage of the 10 different Argo CD App Controller shards. Looking at the avg, you can see a large variation to how much each shard is utilizing its resources. To make an accurate comparison between the different sharding methods, we calculate the variability by determining the range of the data for both avg CPU usage and Memory usage. The CPU usage variability is calculated by taking the shard with the highest CPU usage and subtracting it from the shard with the least CPU usage: 0.55 - 0.23 = 0.32. The Memory usage variability is 452 MiB - 225 MiB = 227 MiB.


Memory:227 MiB



With the newly introduced Round-Robin algorithm, you can see improved balance across the shards.


Memory:110 MiB


Better but not perfect

The new round-robin algorithm does a better job of keeping the number of clusters balanced across the shards. But in a real world environment, you would not have an equal number of applications running on each cluster and the work done by each shard is determined not by the number of clusters, but the number of applications. A new experiment was run which deploys a random number of applications to each cluster with the results below. Even with the round-robin algorithm, you can see some high variability in CPU/Memory usage.


Memory:136 MiB


Greedy Minimum Algorithm, sharding by the Number of Apps

A new algorithm is introduced in order to shard by the number of applications that are running on each cluster. It utilizes a greedy minimum algorithm to always choose the shard with the least number of apps when assigning shards. A description of the algorithm is shown below:

Iterate through the cluster list:

1. Determine the number of applications per cluster.
2. Find the shard with the least number of applications.
3. Add the number of applications to the assigned shard.

The same experiment with a random number of applications running on each cluster is run again with the results shown below. With the new algorithm, there is better balance across the shards.


Memory:109 MiB


While there is better balance when utilizing the greedy minimum algorithm, there is an issue when changing any aspect of the Argo CD sharding parameters. If you are adding shards, removing shards, adding clusters and/or removing clusters, the algorithm can trigger large scale changes in the shard assignments. Changes to the shard assignments cause shards to waste resources when switching to manage new clusters. This is especially true when utilizing ephemeral clusters in AI/ML training and big data operations where clusters come and go. Starting from the previous experiment from before, we changed the number of shards from 10 to 9 and observed over 75 cluster to shard assignment changes out of 100 clusters excluding the changes associated with the removed shard.

Weighted Ring Hash

In order to decrease the number of shard assignment changes, a well known method called consistent hashing is explored for our use case (Reference). Consistent hashing algorithms utilize a ring hash to determine distribution decisions. This method is already widely utilized by network load balancing applications to evenly distribute traffic in a distributed manner independent of the number of servers/nodes. By utilizing a ring hash algorithm to determine shard assignments, we were able to decrease the number of shard assignment changes when we changed the number of shards from 10 to 9. We observed 48 cluster to shard assignment changes, excluding the changes associated with the removed shard.


To ensure balance, weighting is applied at each shard assignment to ensure the shard with the least number of apps is given the highest weight when choosing shards for assignment. The balancing is not perfect as you can see that CPU variability has increased from the greedy minimum algorithm of 0.06 to 0.12.


Memory:163 MiB

Consistent Hash with Bounded Loads

The ring hash algorithm was never designed to allow dynamically updating the weights based on load. While we were able to utilize it for this purpose, we looked at another algorithm called Consistent Hashing with Bounded Loads (Reference) which looks to solve the problem of consistent hashing and load uniformity. By utilizing this new algorithm, we were able to significantly decrease the redistribution of cluster to shard assignments. When we change the number of shards from 10 to 9, we only observed 15 cluster to shard assignment changes excluding the changes associated with the removed shard.


The trade off is slightly worse cluster/app balancing than the weighted ring hash which increased CPU variability from 0.12 to 0.17.


Memory:131 MiB

There are no direct recommendations about which algorithm you should utilize, as each of them have their pros and cons. You should evaluate each for your environment whether you are looking for strict balancing of clusters/apps across the shards or whether you want to minimize the impact of making frequent changes to your Argo CD environment.


In this blog post, we continued our scalability tests of the Argo CD app controller by answering some questions we had from our first scalability tests about the common scalability parameters. We showed how QPS/Burst QPS affects the k8s api server, determined why status/operation processors did not affect our previous scalability tests, and how those parameters are linked together. We then continued our scalability tests by pushing the Argo CD app controller to 500 clusters and 50,000 apps. We ended our tests by showing that a key component of scaling the Argo CD app controller is how it performs sharding. By doing a deep dive into how the app controller performs sharding we also determined some ways to improve sharding by adding in and evaluating new sharding algorithms. We are currently evaluating how to contribute these changes back to Argo CD. Stay tuned for those contributions and reach out on the CNCF #argo-sig-scalability or the #cnoe-interest Slack channel to get help optimizing for your use-cases and scenarios.

· 9 min read
Greg Haynes
Kyle Smith
Blake Romano
Manabu McCloskey
Jesse Sanford
Nima Kaviani

Disclaimer: CNOE makes strong assumptions about using a subset of open source technologies when building Internal Developer Platforms (IDPs). Recommendations made and patterns discussed are hence centered around the exact tooling that CNOE adopts to implement a capability within an IDP. In this particular post, we assume Kubernetes as the orchestrator platform, Backstage as the technology that implements the developer portal capability, Argo CD for continuous delivery, and Crossplane or Terraform for infrastructure as code (IaC). Capability and technology names may be used interchangeably in the blog post but practices discussed are primarily around the specific set of technologies named earlier.

Establishing the source of truth

There are different approaches to representing entities like Kubernetes objects and cloud resources in Backstage. In such context, platform engineers need to optimize for creation of reliable data. The last thing you as a platform provider want to see happen is to lose trust of end users because you are displaying incorrect information. There are however, a number of key decisions to be made when building entity representations in Backstage. Particularly:

  1. What gets represented in Backstage and what doesn't
  2. How to ensure the Backstage entity offers an accurate representation of its real world counterpart
  3. What establishes the source of truth for an entity

Embracing GitOps practices, the answer to that last question may sound rather trivial: GIT, git is obviously the source of truth, since, you know ... GitOps!

However, while git represents the intended source of truth, truth is actually realized where the resource is deployed, revealing its beloved resource status. That is why you may hear people sarcastically refer to git as the source of hope in GitOps.

Our current collective of practices reveals that there is no silver bullet when deciding entity representations in a developer portal. What establishes the actual source of truth, from which Backstage entity representations to be drawn, primarily depends on company practices and tools DevOps teams have available to them.

If you operate a Hub and Spoke model, where a single control plane cluster is responsible for handling platform requirements and separate compute clusters handle the actual workload, the hub cluster could very well become the data source for the Backstage entities. On the other hand, if you operate a federated environment where control plane and data plane workloads are scattered across multiple clusters, Backstage could become the unifier that implements custom entity providers to pull and consolidate data from multiple data sources (i.e. the set of clusters with the right data). In a third approach, the CI may take on the job of hydrating entity definitions with metadata and status information it collects from several data sources, eventually pushing the constructed entity to another repository where it can be observed.

Next we discuss these approaches in more details.

Use your existing CI/CD pipelines to construct the source of truth

Starting from the specification of entities and infrastructure resources in a git repository, this approach utilizes tasks in the CI to hydrate entities with information on entity relations, extra metadata, and status of deployed resources. To avoid conflating user changes and automated CI changes, the hydrated entities are often kept in a separate git repository that mirrors and expands entities in the original git repository with intended application specifications.

On the positive side:

  • This is a relatively simple approach and works for smaller teams with smaller number of applications or systems
  • Having a second git repository to capture the end state of an entity stays closer to the core GitOps practices
  • Does not require significant modification to the developer portal

On the negative side:

  • There is inherent duplications that are happening
  • Adding custom metadata by application teams is not as trivial as it requires making changes to the integration workflow, thus bringing load and demand to the DevOps teams
  • Less abstraction in place as end application users are directly exposed to the yaml specification of the entities
  • Does not scale well as the number of systems and entities grow


Use a central control plane as the source of truth

The hub and spoke model is the most advocated for model when applying GitOps practices. Your control plane cluster runs and manages your platform tools, your CI, your CD, developer portal, infrastructure as code tooling, etc.

On the positive side:

  • There really is a single place to inspect the status of entities. E.g., Argo applications can tell you the status of deployed applications. You can also inspect the status of workflows, infrastructure resources, and any other entity that the control plane cluster manages.
  • You can use the Backstage Kubernetes plugin seamlessly and maybe with some little tweaks. Alternatively this can be achieved by introducing fairly light-weight Backstage custom entity providers which pull and show the status of entities in the Backstage portal.
  • In an organization with a diverse set of distributed systems, the control plane cluster can be used as the integration layer by wrapping legacy APIs and or implementing native controllers.

On the negative side:

  • Most organizations do not have a central control plane and adopting one as the source of truth is often a significant change, especially if an organization is early in their GitOps transition.
  • For organizations deep into a federated model of operation with different teams running and managing their platforms separately and rather independently, it could be challenging to offer a single control plane that aggregates data across all teams.
  • Management of change could become cumbersome. Existence of a single control plane could create bottlenecks where changes occur to a set of entities or practices. Changes in organizations or systems may result in changes to various entities managed across several teams. Bringing GitOps practices to the mix, this requires chains of approvals to happen across multiple entities and across several repositories for deployments to start flowing. Depending on the size of the organization, this could lead to organizational nightmares.
  • You may need to jump through a few hoops before getting from the representation of the application, to the actual deployment of it, e.g., going from git to your continuous delivery and from there to your target cluster.


Use Backstage as the source of truth

Where control planes and compute workloads are scattered, the unifying layer lies in the developer portal, i.e. Backstage. Hence, it is reasonable to construct an entity by collecting and aggregating data from various data sources, each providing partial data on the entity, making Backstage be the source of truth. This generally starts with Backstage querying git for the entities that exist. Then using the identifiers for the entities to collect metadata on how the entity contributes to a system. This could involve querying the control plane clusters and the workload clusters via some custom entity provider that looks for certain information and putting collected pieces together to come close to the core promise of a developer portal, providing reliable information on the entities.

On the positive side:

  • This model copes better with legacy systems
  • Users are not exposed to and often times not even aware of the underlying platforms, hence underlying platform and tooling is more rigorously abstracted away
  • Changes to the system are only isolated to the entities of the particular system as managed by the underlying resources and platform. This causes less chaos when definitions, metadata, or properties of entities need to change.

On the negative side:

  • The git service may not be able to scale, technically or financially. This is particularly because Backstage may hit the git service endpoints too frequently and exceed the API limits. This could cause delays in displaying data for end users or display wrong information if partially available data is mishandled. This can be mitigated via approaches like using an eventing mechanism to notify Backstage of changes, or alternatively to store entity definitions in an alternative storage space (e.g. Amazon S3). There are challenges to such approaches too, for example when using Amazon S3, change history will be lost. Also, using an eventing mechanism could introduce security challenges that we discuss next.
  • Securing Backstage could be a challenge. For Backstage to proactively receive updates on entity changes, it would work best to configure event hooks to provide callbacks to Backstage when changes occur. Backstage, being the entry point for user workflows, sits on the critical path of platform operations. As such, platform engineers need to solve for a chicken and egg problem by deciding how to expose Backstage endpoints to receive events and yet to limit access for security reasons. The authentication methods that GitHub supports may not satisfy the security standards that an organization requires.
  • Changes to entities may not be as trivial. DevOps engineers need to manage entities that they may not control. For example, if a new mandatory field is introduced to a catalog file, DevOps engineers may need to talk to the respective repository owners, create a PR, then get approval for all affected repositories.



We discussed multiple approaches to creating reliable representation of system entities in the developer portals. We do not necessarily recommend one approach over another, but it is important to find the right approach given the patterns and practices in your organization. It is also worth noting that you can choose to combine multiple approaches depending on the requirements of your teams. For example, while continuous integration can still be used to construct the actual state of the world by collecting status data and other related information, Backstage extensions can be introduced to expand on entity relations, providing better representation of a system. Stating the obvious here, but your proper selection of patterns that work for you will go a long way in increasing your overall team velocity down the road.

Reach out on #cnoe-interest CNCF slack channel to share thoughts and get involved in developing CNOE.

· 5 min read
Nima Kaviani

Adobe, Amazon Web Services, Autodesk, Salesforce, and Twilio have come together to launch an open source initiative for building internal developer platforms (IDPs). Cloud Native Operational Excellence (aka, CNOE, pronounced Kuh.noo) is a joint effort to share developer tooling, thoughts, and patterns to help organizations make informed technology choices and resolve common pain points. CNOE will enable organizations to navigate tooling sprawl and technology churn by coordinating contributions, offering tools, and providing neutral and unbiased guidance on technology choices to deliver internal developer platforms.

Developer productivity is increasingly important for organizations to compete in today’s fast-paced marketplace. To increase productivity, many organizations are taking a platform engineering approach to build internal developer platforms that abstract away complexity and enable faster, more secure software delivery. These internal developer platforms are long-term strategic investments, and the choice of open source technologies and architectures used to build these platforms can greatly impact their long-term success and viability.

CNOE is a community for organizations passionate about evolving experiences in developer productivity and efficiency. Contributors to this community are sharing their open source developer platform tooling choices to bring awareness to the best practices that have helped their respective teams. With such awareness comes alignment and the ability to de-risk their technology choices over the long term.

The CNOE community will navigate their operational technology decisions together, coordinate contributions, and offer guidance on which Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) technologies to use to achieve cloud efficiencies. CNOE will aim to:

Create an open source first strategy for internal developer platform capabilities, prioritizing CNCF technologies.

Build community alignment on technology choices and best practices.

Elevate tools and practices that can benefit a wide range of organizations building their own internal developer platforms.

Build for the infrastructure and customize to developer needs, making the solutions and patterns flexible for adoption.

Provide artifacts about tools, patterns, and practices to be easily consumable by the community.  

“The work of building secure, reliable, compliant, and regionalized software is becoming more and more complicated. Development teams need the right separation of concerns to build efficiently and move fast. Internal developer platforms enable just that. They abstract away complexity so a team can focus fully on their key goals. I’m excited to see the CNOE community share experiences, expand ideas beyond a single company’s viewpoint, and de-risk our technology strategies to build better together.” - Ben Cochran, VP Developer Enablement at Autodesk

"As a technology company, CNOE is an extension of our DNA, and open source is key to our platform. CNOE fosters collaboration within the industry, minimizes duplicated work, and emphasizes unique products. I'm eager to see our contributions to CNOE and others benefiting from it." - Chris Lyon, VP of Engineering Segment at Twilio.

"Open source software is a core component that many organizations leverage to power their internal developer platforms. Organizations often anchor on specific capabilities to power their developer platforms like Continuous Integration/Continuous Delivery, Infrastructure as Code, Service Mesh, Policy controls, Artifact management, and developer portals. As a result, they have been seeking a forum to share best practices and to share their findings on the tooling choices they have been using. I’m incredibly excited to see AWS contribute to CNOE and CNOE be the vehicle that creates industry alignment based on the intrinsic gravity of the tooling choices being made at scale.” - said Paul Roberts, Sr. Principal Solutions Architect at AWS.

“Adobe believes in the transformative power of open source software. We are excited to be a founding member of CNOE and to partner with other industry thought leaders to define and share our vision of a cloud native stack for rapidly building Internal Developer Platforms.” - Dave Weinstein, VP of Engineering at Adobe.

“Salesforce is deeply engaged in the Open Source community, which was integral in building Hyperforce, a reimagination of our trusted platform architecture for the public cloud. Salesforce is honored to serve as a launch partner for CNOE, further advancing the adoption of open source technologies and assuring companies of sound technology decisions and sustained support for years to come.” - Josh Meier, Hyperforce Lead Architect

With the launch of CNOE, members will contribute tooling, plugins, and reference implementations that facilitate building internal developer platforms. Members are also releasing a capability map that captures key open technologies and their relevance in building internal developer platforms across these organizations.

As we move forward, each member organization will continue to share their approach on adopting and composing the tooling and technologies recommended by the CNOE working group to deliver on their IDPs.

CNOE invites more companies to join us. To learn more about CNOE, visit, where we share extended details about patterns and practices we are developing. Explore options to get involved and contact us via the CNCF slack channel #cnoe-public.

Special thanks to the many people who helped with the launch, Andrew Lee, Omar Kahil, Ben Fields, Bryan Landes, Vikram Venkataraman, Rick Sostheim, Manabu McCloskey, Praseeda Sathaye, and Vara Bonthu from AWS, Rob Hilton (formerly AWS, now Google), Jesse Sanford, Greg Haynes, Mani Kandadai Venkatesh, Sara Mesing, and Brandon Leach from Autodesk, Jesse Adametz and Wes Medford from Twilio, Rohan Kapoor and Vikram Sethi from Adobe.

Member Announcements