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IDPBuilder on Local Machine


WORK IN PROGRESS: This tool is in a pre-release stage and is under active development.

Spin up a complete internal developer platform using industry standard technologies like Kubernetes, Argo, and backstage with only Docker required as a dependency.

This can be useful in several ways:

  • Create a single binary which can demonstrate an IDP reference implementation.
  • Use within CI to perform integration testing.
  • Use as a local development environment for IDP engineers.

Running in Codespaces

If you are interested in running idpbuilder in Codespaces through your browser, follow the following steps.

  1. Create a Codespaces instance. img
  2. Wait for it to be ready. It may take several minutes.
  3. Get the latest release of idpbuilder:
     version=$(curl -Ls -o /dev/null -w %{url_effective}
    curl -L -o ./idpbuilder.tar.gz "${version}/idpbuilder-$(uname | awk '{print tolower($0)}')-$(uname -m | sed 's/x86_64/amd64/').tar.gz"
    tar xzf idpbuilder.tar.gz
  4. Run idpbuilder:
     idpbuilder create --protocol http  \
    --port 8080 --use-path-routing
  5. Because Codespaces gives a single externally routable host name for an instance, idpbuilder must deploy with path based routing. This means ArgoCD and Gitea UIs are given with the following commands.
  6. Note that not all examples work with path based routing.

Extending the IDP builder

We are actively working to include more patterns and examples of extending idpbuilder to get started easily.